3 easy ways to beat the winter blues
Do you find yourself feeling sad during the winter months when the temperature dips? Winter blues are a real thing, otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Signs of SAD may include:
- Low energy
- Tiredness
- Oversleeping
- Feelings of apathy and a lack of motivation
- Easily agitated and mood swings
- Difficulty concentrating
- Increase appetite, usually with cravings for high carb foods
Once the weather starts to warm up, these symptoms usually go away.
If the winter blues are getting you down, here are some tips to help balance out your mood during the cooler months.
Get out and enjoy the sun
Have you noticed when you bask in the sun, it can make you feel instantly happier? Believe it or not, a lack of natural lighting can contribute to depression and vitamin D deficiencies. Getting exposure to sunlight also increases the release of serotonin (the happy hormone), which helps to boost your mood and makes you feel calm and focused. Why not grab your favourite cup of coffee, head into the great outdoors and soak up the sun for an instant mood boost!
Catch up with friends and family
When its cold out, sometimes it’s easier to cancel plans with friends to stay in instead. For the most part, this is fine but being social and connecting with others is an important contributor to happiness. Why not plan a brunch or lunch date with your friends & family at Jamaica Blue?
You do you!
The best way to beat the winter blues, its to take time for yourself. This will vary between individuals but this could mean treating yourself to a massage, reading a good book with a cup of coffee or even doing a sweaty workout. Take some time out to do what makes you feel good. #TreatYourself!